Saturday, July 3, 2010

Argue War

Once again, today I argue with 3 indian guys. Actually is 2 Indian guys. Okays, the story begin. I pay RM2 for the car park fees by the term "PER ENTRY RM2" ( I did check, there are no extra rules or terms for the PER ENTRY) Then this few days, i park my car in the Plaza, and car pool with my uncle back to house. So, I leave my car here for 3days.

Today, after I closed the store and driving my car back to house. I gave the ticket to the indian worker.
He said, "you can't be like that, RM2 for you is just park for 1 night and you have to pay for the whole day. "
I replied, " what I know is I paid RM2 for the car park fees and there mentioned RM2 per entry, what do you meant by PER ENTRY, it won't be your english so bad and you don't understand ?"
He and his friend, " normally per entry is for 1 day, the next day you need to move out, or else pay extra", I replied " where did you mention ? Notice board ? On the ticket ? (This must thanks to MrPalaya- Business Law lecturer, because I did pay attention on class) and I don't think you did mentioned about this." He told me rules here and there, I ask him rules ? I tell you what is LAW !!! and giving example that "yes I agreed you, normally PER ENTRY is for 1 night, but they did mentioned, "after 5pm RM4 per entry until next day 10am" << is it this clearly show that, we can't leave or park our car here for more than 1 day ? Then the Indian worker no happy and turn his voice louder. I asked him,"Can you control your voice ? Saya bukan mari sini buat kacau, sila jaga suara anda." He replied me, "you want pay or not now"(even more louder and bad tone) .
Haha, guess what I do ?
I tell him, "Kalau mahu main, saya sekarang main dengan kamu" I closed my engine [note: there are only 1 exit for this plaza and I'm blocking it around 15min] and sit at my car. He can do nothing then he ask his manager come. Luckily this fella talk nicely with me, and tell me he can't do anything about this, anythings look forwards to Management. I am also rushing to Mei Mei Sister's birthday party. So, I decided to pay the $$ .

But this really spoiled my mood la .... This fucker spoil my day ...
Luckily Netherlands bring back my mood ^^ Sent Brazil to HOLLAND !!!

Actually, Money is the small matter, I can pay it. Just I don't like the style of they talking and I think that I'm still can argue for this. This is their mistake. What can I say is " NOOB PARKING COMPANY"

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