Saturday, May 22, 2010

Melaka Half-Day Trip

After the Economic Lecture, we (Whye Siong, Shan Qi, Ming, Jiri and Me) go to Melaka for Lunch and visit around Melaka .
The Main purpose to go there because, I want to eat Chicken Rice Ball, Chendol and Satay.
Another reason is because Melaka is famous with this 3 food.
We went to Jongker Street ... Eat Chicken Rice ball, wall around the street and Chendol !!!
Walking along the street, we saw a TOTO store there, so we place some bet on there .... (wish it OPEN)
After that, we go to "The red House" and "Kota A'Famosa" to take picture (main purpose, NOT TO OBSERVE OR LOOK AT THE HISTORICAL STUFF)
Continue with Satay, and we finally persuade that Jiri to eat satay... because he dont like to eat satay ...
Finally, we went to the beach? (I not sure that call a beach or not, it is just like Penang's Gurney Drive)

I think, next time we might get into further... Maybe we try IPOH "LOU WONG"

1 comment:


    btw,lou wong is not nice, one word = oily..
