Friday, September 4, 2009

SEC 3C Fair

Today is the 1st day for SEC 3C Fair.
I was appointed as Communication Leader.
I am so glad to have this chance as a Leader.
However, I am still new to there.
This is my second times to work as a promoter in SEC fair.
But, I will try my best to push up the sales.
Between, What The Fxxx our target RM 95000 .
So Crazy .....

Today, My team sales very bad.
Did very badly .
Why ???
1. Staff / Promoter No Experienced in selling phone
2. Staff / Promoter Not even know how the phone to be function
3. Staff / Promoter keep chit chat / gossip together
4. Staff / Promoter don't pay 100% attention on their sales
5. Staff / Promoter did not try their best to attract attention of customer
6. Marketing Problem , too less customer walking around
7. More Happy Hour Should be Made
8. People are surveying / looking around for the phone
9. Types of Phone, we selling are seems likes "special" . such as Samsung, Motorola, Acer, Asus-Garmin, HTC .
10. Myself !!! >.<
  • never try my best to attarct customer.
  • did not teached them how to sales. [I did, but no one listen]
  • never scold on them
  • keep let them talking
Way to improve !!!
Still thinking of it !!!

Today, My team total sales .
RM 1699 [Asus/Garmin] + RM 200 [2Digi Broadband] + RM99[Samsung E1070]
= RM1998

Target - Today Sales = RM 95 000 - RM 1 998 = RM 93 002
That means , i still need to fight for RM 93k more !!!

Okay, time to sleep ...
Wish you all wish me good luck !!!
Besides that , Zee Min you put me aeroplane again ....

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