Saturday, March 21, 2009

Small Test

Last 2 week, we have a small test by all the lecturer, in our class.
I did it for Mathematics, Further Mathematics , Physics and Statistics.
All of that I did not did it well, due to I'm half-well prepared.
Physics Paper,
1st and 2nd question is dam easy.
the 3rd one i just answer the defination question.
4th one also same . Because i forget all the formula. =.="
Mathematics Paper,
1st, 3rd , and 4th i forget the formula, so i dont know how to do.
Simple Expansion and partial fraction i also forget.
2nd question i did correctly, but when douglas asked me "the formula is it got 1/2 ? "
then i not sure, and followed him, finally my answer became wrong.
When i get the result,
OMG i am getting the lowest among the class.
A pro Mathematics Student,
get 1/30 ???
Statistics Paper,
i totally not very sure how to do it,
therefore i open book to make refrences,
but i still don't know how to applied on it
Further Mathematics,
This is the most easy question among all the test,
this is to prove the proness of my maths ...
Further maths ...
So easy nia ....
I did all the question,
and didn't leave a question blank.
Should I thanks God ??
When i enter the class,
I was late to the class.
The lecturer started to give back our papers.
"There are someone whose Further Maths is better than his Maths " said by MrChan (FM & Maths Lecturer)
Want to know who is it ???
No need to think and ask,
It is Me ....
i get 29/40 for my further test.
I beat 80% of my friends.
Wakaka this means that my effort on it does not wasted.
I'm officially Speechless to my result,
Maths so sux ... 1/30 = 3marks out of 100%, which are an U, Undergraded
Further maths 29/40 = 72.5marks out of 100% it is an A.
All of you sure Laugh on me ... =.="
Getting an A in further maths , but getting an U in maths.
It is Normal ??? or Somethings Special ?

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