Wednesday, August 20, 2008

1st Exam & the end of Malaysian Study

Finally i have finished the lesson of Malaysian Studies with the final exam today. I felt quite happy that i no need to attend Mr Harjit Singh boring class. But , but ... but it is the began of Moral Class ....... wish that the lecturer same as Harjit Singh don't care what the hell we doing in the class, if not i will MISS Encik Harjit Singh. Today exam i did quite fast because the essay quite tough and hard, so I just answer somethings that i know and bla... bla... blaaaa . When i finished started look around, OMG all still doing and i and the one who finished. Starting to scare i will fail it, but i just ignore and walked out from hall. This is because i didn't pay any effort in this subject and didn't study . If fail just let it go. But i wish that i could pass it so that i no need to retake it again. [no need to look at En. Harjit Singh again]

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