Wednesday, July 23, 2008

~A Mad Day ~

Today after having 2 hour physics lesson + 2 hour further maths lesson + skipping 1 hour tutorial class ... My brain just fill with all the Mathematics Formula ... I was skip the tutorial class to do my GP presentation stuff. We are so happy and playing like "Mad" or "Kids" around the multimedia room in library. We listening to Radio (i think is Fly FM) in the library . Wow the librarian didnt know , so Lucky . A indian Guy Vishnu keep coming multimedia room interupt us.

Lunch time, left me and Irwin . Pavithren also come help for the presentation stuff. He dance with me in the Room . OMG i dance with a male. After we done the presentation preparation, I, irwin and parvithren having a trial in that room . Suddenly we created A Club Called Momo's Club which means G@y Club . Since they said Momo got alot of G@y at there. I becoming the president , Irwin -Vice President , Allen - Treasurer, Pavithren - Secretary . Our one and only one member Fabian. lolx Only 5 member in the Club. You could imagine how g@y and sux this club is. When the trial of presentation , i act Mr Loo- which is our another sissy GP lecturer. Irwin keep scolding me G@y....

When presentation , i was the 1st one in the group, i was very nervous and scare . I start my presentation quite good, but some of my coursemate Wendy, HonYi, KahHeng, and still got alot keep learning me waving my hands . HonYi and KahHeng keep "yoyoyo" to me . OMG i am really cannot continue it . After my present is the turn of Irwin. I was forced by them to press the button Next. I leg was numb , call Allen help he dont want. OMG then i just walk to take a sit and ignore , sitting at the side looking at their presentation. My leg was getting pain and pain, phew Allen the ex-St.John Member help me to treat my Numb Leg . When the treatment, it is dam pain, but i cant shout, cant cry , just can feel the pain. Ouch OMG it is horrible.

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